Why a EUROWA Module?
The integration of oiled wildlife response into existing oil spill response and preparedness systems is taking shape in Europe. Regional Agreements such as HELCOM, the Bonn Agreement and the Barcelona Convention have recognized the need to integrate oiled wildlife response into national plans and preparedness systems, and many member countries either have national plans for oiled wildlife response in place or are developing them.
The need for international assistance, especially in more challenging scenarios where national processes have difficulty coping, has been recognized for years. Regional Agreements were created to provide the frameworks for mutual assistance between countries, which now often include wildlife response aspects, however a clear international standard for expertise in this area was lacking.
The EUROWA Module project aims to fill that gap by defining oiled wildlife response standards and providing a procedural framework for mobilizing a team. These standardized expert training packages will be offered to interested individuals and organisations, with training events to be organized in the autumn of 2016.