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Becoming a EUROWA Member brings your organisation different benefits and implies requirements to join the network.

If your organisation is interested in joining, please check the sections below.

What does being a EUROWA Member mean?

  • Being part of a family of European oiled wildlife response experts that work together to increase their professionalism and advanced oiled wildlife preparedness in Europe.
  • Being part of a pool of expertise that can be mobilised as an international team on request of a European authority.
  • Through following EUROWA training, becoming part of a growing pool of European oiled wildlife responders trained to respond professionally to the same standards, making it easier for these responders to seamlessly work together if mobilised in case of an emergency.
  • Collaborating with NGOs and authorities at national and international levels to enhance the effectiveness of marine wildlife emergency response.
  • Two levels of membership are possible: Associate (full) Membership and Affiliate Membership. Affiliate Members can participate technically in network activities but do not have formal voting rights in EUROWA governance processes.

What are the benefits of joining EUROWA?

  • Your personnel can deepen their knowledge and skills by following EUROWA training courses.
  • Your personnel can gain EUROWA qualifications, receiving a certificate and being registered in the EUROWA database.
  • Your Qualified personnel can become official EUROWA trainers after gaining the required qualifications, so they can train other personnel in your country or abroad according to EUROWA standards.
  • Your Qualified Personnel will become part of a pool of expertise that can be mobilised as an international team on request of a European authority in case of a wildlife emergency.
  • Representatives of your organisation can participate in meetings of the EUROWA General Assembly, having a say in the activities and steer of network activities (proposals submitted for adoption to the Governance Committee). Associate Members have full voting rights, Affiliate Members can make proposals and recommendations.
  • Your Qualified Personnel can be invited to contribute to the work of EUROWA Technical Committees.
  • Support from EUROWA Secretariat for your organisation when required through attending meetings, trainings and/or exercises with your national authorities. 

Who can join?

Organisations must:

  • Apply as organisations, not individuals. Individuals can request to be affiliated with an existing member organisation (as explained in the EUROWA Charter).
  • Be located in:
    • the EU or EEA (European Economic Area)
    • a country that is included in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism OR
    • an EU neighbourhood country.
    • Organisations outside of all of the above 3 categories can be considered on a case by case basis, if their experience and interest would bring value to the work of the network.
  • Be working in the field of oiled wildlife response, oiled wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife veterinary services or wildlife response volunteer management. Expertise is also relevant from other types of marine wildlife emergencies (e.g. incidents involving other pollutants, mass stranding events, extreme weather events, etc.). It is not necessary to have Qualified Personnel at the time of joining.
  • Be NGOs to become an Associate Member. Affiliate Members can be NGOs, universities, authorities or scientific institutions. Affiliate membership can be considered for zoos and aquaria provided that they are full members of either EAZA or WAZA.
  • Commit to the EUROWA Charter. Associate Members must sign the Charter.
  • Aim to apply EUROWA standards of good practice and procedures to the highest possible quality.
  • Adhere to the EUROWA Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Code of Conduct if requested to mobilise as part of an international response team.
  • Keep the EUROWA Secretariat informed of any activity linked to EUROWA.

Other criteria for joining:

  • It is recommended (although not mandatory) that new members are recognised National (or Regional) Wildlife Coordinators of a network of  collaborating organisations.
  • Letters of recommendation are preferred, either from a sitting member, government or a self-declaration letter. Letters should contain these topics:
    • Why the applying organisation fits the EUROWA Network and why they wish to join
    • What is their past experience in oiled wildlife response or wildlife emergencies
    • What their role is at a National Level, networks of NGOs they are part of, and their relationship with the National Authorities.

How to become a Member?

If your organisation is interested in joining the EUROWA Network, please contact us at Membership is subject to approval of the EUROWA General Assembly.

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