The Netherlands continues to grow its pool of BASIC oiled wildlife responders
Four successful BASIC oiled wildlife responder courses were organised in the Netherlands by network member SON-Respons during the month of November.
Two courses were held in the North (Vogelhospitaal Haarlem) and two in the South (Dierenambulance and Hospitaal Den Haag). All were open to personnel and volunteers from rehabilitation centres who are affiliated to the SON-Respons network.
79 people successfully gained their BASIC qualification, led through the training by EUROWA trainers Wiebe Boomsma (Vogelhospitaal Haarlem), Monique de Vrijer (Vogelklas Karel Schot) and Claude Velter (Wildlife Rescue Centre Ostend). Two other managers, Nina Schouten (Wildopvang Krommenie) and Sharon Lexmond (Vogelasiel De Wulp) also gained their BASIC trainer qualification at these courses. EUROWA training is based on a train the trainer system, to allow a growing number of people to be able to share and deliver the training in their home countries.
SON-Respons provides the backbone of the wildlife response work force in the Netherlands, for a pollution incident that affects wildlife. SON-Response network members have been following EUROWA training programmes for many years and this year’s BASIC training was updated to include latest information regarding how an oiled wildlife response will be managed by the Dutch authorities in the framework of the Dutch national oiled wildlife response plan.