The future of professional oiled wildlife response in Europe. The proposal.
The future of professional oiled wildlife response in Europe. See full press release here.
Wildlife Response: Guidelines for Exercise Development
Wildlife Response: Guidelines for Exercise Development
New Specialist Pre-wash oiled wildlife responder course held in Germany
SPECIALIST oiled wildlife responders are critical in an oiled wildlife response as the lives of animals and the success of the response, heavily depends on them. EUROWA approaches the SPECIALIST oiled wildlife responder qualification using the “lifelong learning” concept. You…
Bienvenue to our new network member !
Le Réseau des Centres de Soins de la Faune Sauvage de France joins the EUROWA network. ‘Le Réseau’ is a key organisation for oiled wildlife preparedness in France as it acts as a link between care wildlife hospitals and authorities…
New batch of EUROWA ADVANCED responders qualify in Ireland
In November, several EUROWA BASIC responders upgraded their qualifications to ADVANCED Responders by completing the advanced EUROWA course in Ireland. During an oil spill, certified ADVANCED responders will make up a crucial part of the workforce in animal rehabilitation, and…
The Netherlands continues to grow its pool of BASIC oiled wildlife responders
Four successful BASIC oiled wildlife responder courses were organised in the Netherlands by network member SON-Respons during the month of November. Two courses were held in the North (Vogelhospitaal Haarlem) and two in the South (Dierenambulance and Hospitaal Den Haag).…
WWF Finland runs first EUROWA BASIC Responder Course
In October, WWF Finland organised its first ever EUROWA BASIC Responder course. WWF Finland has been providing oiled wildlife response training for their oil spill response volunteers for many years, but the training format has thus far been slightly different…
Training the next generation of Specialist Vets in the Netherlands
Vets play a key role in an oiled wildlife response, which is why EUROWA has developed a training path specifically for veterinarians. For the first time, vet students in the Netherlands completed EUROWA Specialist Vet training. The EUROWA Specialist Vet…
Experts gather in Texel to discuss Seabird Risk and Impact Assessment
In September of this year, a range of experts met for a two-day workshop in Texel, Netherlands to discuss Risk and Impact Assessment methods for marine wildlife emergencies. Seabird population experts from scientific institutions, regional authorities and veterinarians were invited…