The future of professional oiled wildlife response in Europe. The proposal.
The future of professional oiled wildlife response in Europe. See full press release here.
The future of professional oiled wildlife response in Europe. See full press release here.
Wildlife Response: Guidelines for Exercise Development
During the first week of May, authorities and wildlife experts met in Brussels for the EUROWA-2 workshop Integrated professional oiled wildlife preparedness and response. The workshop was also the launch of the brand new WildX Tabletop exercise package, which allowed…
SPECIALIST oiled wildlife responders are critical in an oiled wildlife response as the lives of animals and the success of the response, heavily depends on them. EUROWA approaches the SPECIALIST oiled wildlife responder qualification using the “lifelong learning” concept. You…
In November, several EUROWA BASIC responders upgraded their qualifications to ADVANCED Responders by completing the advanced EUROWA course in Ireland. During an oil spill, certified ADVANCED responders will make up a crucial part of the workforce in animal rehabilitation, and…
Vets play a key role in an oiled wildlife response, which is why EUROWA has developed a training path specifically for veterinarians. For the first time, vet students in the Netherlands completed EUROWA Specialist Vet training. The EUROWA Specialist Vet…
In September of this year, a range of experts met for a two-day workshop in Texel, Netherlands to discuss Risk and Impact Assessment methods for marine wildlife emergencies. Seabird population experts from scientific institutions, regional authorities and veterinarians were invited…
An online workshop, using a combination of theory presentations, instruction videos, and an interactive tabletop exercise using the Mural online collaboration platform, gave a group of European seabird scientists insight into their potential role in an emergency response involving seabirds.…