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The Future of Professional Oiled Wildlife Response in Europe

On 18 March 2024, Sea Alarm (EUROWA Secretariat) delivered a webinar on the Future of Professional Oiled Wildlife response in Europe. The webinar was provided for European authorities from the Baltic, North and Mediterranean Sea Regions, including members of the HELCOM Wildlife Expert Group.

Sea Turtles and marine pollution incidents - By Mariluz Parga

On 31st August 2023 Mariluz Parga gave an online lecture  entitled Sea turtles and marine pollution incidents. Mariluz is a wildlife veterinarian for the Spanish marine conservation organisation SUBMON. She specialises in the veterinary medicine and conservation of sea turtles. After working at sea turtle shelters for several years, she recently worked with fishers to help reduce the impact of sea turtle bycatch. For the last two years, she has contributed to the EUROWA Network to help increase oiled wildlife capacity in Europe for sea turtles.

RSPCA response to major wildlife incidents in the UK - By Geoff Edmond

EUROWA and SON-Respons would like to invite you to listen to the lecture RSPCA response to major wildlife incidents in the UK given online on the 1st June 2023. The lecture was given by Geoff Edmond, the RSPCA’s National Wildlife Coordinator for England and Wales. The talk covered how the UK and the RSPCA deal with responding to oiled wildlife incidents, how they are organised operationally, the importance of preparedness, and how to organise several operations in the field.

Avian Flu among Sea Birds - By Kees Camphuysen

EUROWA and SON-Respons, would like to invite you to listen to the online lecture Avian flu among seabirds given on the 8th of March 2023. The lecture was given by leading marine ecologist Kees Camphuysen from the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ). The talk covered the outbreak of avian flu among Great Skuas, Gannets, seagulls and sterns. It also addressed what happened in 2022 regarding the Avian flu, how the virus manifested in the marine environment, what could and can be done to tackle it, the risks for humans and what the future looks like.

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