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EUROWA Part B – Animal Care during an Oiled Wildlife Response

Author: EUROWA
Year of publication: 2022
Part B is the EUROWA Network’s joint protocol for oiled seabird rehabilitation. The protocol describes animal care methods during an oiled wildlife response and explains rehabilitation processes.

The document is available for the wildlife response community, with the goal of collaboration and sharing good practice, increasing knowledge and skills and encouraging networking and collaboration amongst responders. In this way EUROWA hopes that good practices, which ensure the highest level of care for wildlife, are available for those who wish to implement them.

Disclaimer: Reading this protocol as a 'cook book' without any previous experience in oiled bird rehabilitation is not a substitute for following hands-on training under the guidance of experienced oiled wildlife responders. Without such training the use of this protocol may not result in the successful rehabilitation of oiled birds and may, in some situations, harm the birds under care. Sea Alarm and the EUROWA Network cannot be held responsible for eventual poor results achieved while using this protocol during an oiled wildlife response.

Availability: Available to the EUROWA Network, trained EUROWA Responders. Other individuals/organisations should contact the Secretariat.
Associated with the following EUROWA Courses: Advanced Responder Course, Specialist Module Packages, Basic Veterinarian Course, Veterinarian Specialist Course.

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This document is available from the website for members and people attending EUROWA Training courses.
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