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EU Workshop on Cleaning and Rehabilitation of Oiled Wildlife – Proceedings

Author: ZooMarine, Sea Alarm Foundation, IFAW and ICRAM
Year of publication: 2007
The European Oiled Wildlife Response Planning workshop, led by Sea Alarm, took place on 12-15 June 2006, at the Centre de Documentation, de Recherche et d'Expérimentations sur les Pollutions Accidentelles des Eaux (CEDRE) in Brest, France.

The workshop provided the unique opportunity of bringing together authorities from European coastal states to discuss the lessons learnt from past oiled wildlife incidents and to explore national and international solutions for effective preparedness to future incidents in Europe. Representations from a total of 14 countries attended the workshop, including authorities responsible for oil spill management and animal welfare issues and recognised NGOs. One of the main conclusions of the workshop was that the level of preparedness in Europe can be improved, and a number of activities, such as making effective pre-spill arrangements at national levels, were identified and listed as recommendations.

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EU Workshop on Cleaning and Rehabilitation of Oiled Wildlife – Proceedings

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