The Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE), the national Rescue Service and leading NGOs are involved in a number of activities to improve and maintain preparedness for oiled wildlife incidents.
As part of the voluntary rescue service that is led by WWF-Finland, volunteers are trained to rescue and rehabilitate oiled birds. In the absence of permanent rehabilitation facilities, the Rescue Services, SYKE and WWF have jointly developed a mobile unit for oiled wildlife response known as the Bird Care Unit (or BCU). The BCU consists of three fully equipped sea containers that can be deployed in the more remote areas along the Finnish coast.
The Helsinki City Rescue Department has developed a national strategy for use of the BCU and have integrated oiled wildlife response fully into their local oil spill response plan, which is now being used as a model for other regions in Finland. These preparedness activities have been developed and demonstrated through the EU-funded EnSaCo project, which requires Rescue Services in Finland, Estonia and Sweden to incorporate oiled wildlife response into their oil spill contingency plans at municipal level.