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Overview of EUROWA Training Portfolio

The suite of EUROWA modular courses has been built up over a number of years by Sea Alarm and EUROWA Network Member organisations. The first steps were taken in 2012-13 when a basic training was developed during the POSOW project, followed by a major expansion during the EU-funded EUROWA project in 2015-16 which developed a number of additional training levels. New qualifications for scientific risk and impact assessment and sea turtle rehabilitation have been added to the portfolio as part of the 2021-23 EUROWA-2 project.

The EUROWA course portfolio today includes 6 qualification levels:

  1. BASIC
  4. SPECIALIST Veterinarian

Courses are in a modular format, combining lectures, hands-on training, skill labs, exercises (including some WildX exercises) and evaluation of individual skills. Some of the higher level courses follow a life-long learning philosophy, as the depth of knowledge and skills required can only be achieved over a period of time through a range of learning methods. Standard course packages are available as well as tailor-made training solutions.

Management of training and accreditation

A  EUROWA Team training package is also available to individuals who qualify to be considered as part of an international mobilisation. This package provides additional training for the four functions within a mobilised team: Team Leader, Team Technical Director, Team Member and Duty Manager.

A EUROWA database has been developed that allows for documentation of modular training materials, designing courses with those materials, assignment of qualifications for course completion and central registration of individuals who have successfully qualified. This guarantees quality control and a EUROWA qualification granted to an individual is only valid when the qualification has been registered in this database.

EUROWA network member organisations aim to provide these courses for interested persons in Europe (see our Infographic of recent courses). Further details of upcoming courses are published in the News section. Our photo gallery gives an overview of the past training courses organised by EUROWA.

If you are interested to run a national course in your country or to join an international training event, please contact your national EUROWA network memberor the EUROWA Secretariat.

Type Hands-on
Course BASIC (formerly POSOW) Oiled Wildlife Responder – Birds
Who it is aimed at? Individuals with no previous experience who wish to assist in the rescue and rehabilitation of oiled birds.
What does it qualify you to do? To understand and implement basic wildlife response skills, which can be performed under supervision of experienced responders.
Pre-entry requirements None
Duration 1 day
Location Special facilities not required, simple equipment requirements.
Learning methods Theory and practical skill labs.
Type Hands-on
Course ADVANCED Oiled Wildlife Responder – Birds
Who it is aimed at? BASIC responders who wish to further their knowledge and provide advanced care to oiled wildlife, following standard protocols and independent from supervision.
What does it qualify you to do? To provide a solid layer of high-level capabilities on the work floor of a rehabilitation facility. Qualified ADVANCED responders can train personnel at BASIC level.
Pre-entry requirements BASIC Qualification
Duration 4 days
Location Equipment and facility requirements mean that course usually takes place at a functioning rehabilitation centre.
Learning methods Theory and practical skill labs.
Course SPECIALIST Oiled Wildlife Responder – Birds
Who is it aimed at? ADVANCED responders who wish to further their knowledge and be able to perform the highest hands-on responsibilities on the work floor in a rehabilitation facility.
What does it qualify you to do? To create a safe and efficient work environment, ensure that each facility department is functional and contribute to the overall facility objectives. Qualified SPECIALIST responders can train personnel at relevant ADVANCED level.
Pre-entry requirements ADVANCED Qualification
Duration 2-3 day course events for each SPECIALIST Module, as well as life-long learning and constant upgrading of skills. True SPECIALIST qualification cannot be obtained by a one-off course.
Location Equipment and facility requirements mean that course events usually take place at a functioning rehabilitation centre.
Learning methods Theory, literature reviews, practical skill labs and exercises. Experience gained at a rehabilitation centre or through working in an oil spill or other wildlife emergency.
Course SPECIALIST Veterinarian – Birds
Who is it aimed at? Veterinarians who want to take responsibilities in a wildlife rehabilitation facility in the event of an oil spill.
What does it qualify you to do? Ensure the welfare of animals on the work floor via examination, monitoring, analysis and clinical procedures. Manage triage, including the application of euthanasia.
Pre-entry requirements Veterinary qualification
Duration 2 days
Location Equipment and facility requirements mean that course events usually take place at a functioning veterinary centre.
BASIC oiled sea turtle responder
Who is it aimed at?
Volunteers or first strike force who wish to assist in the rescue and rehabilitation of oiled sea turtles.
What does it qualify you to do?
To provide hands-on assistance under supervision of advanced responders and/or specialists.
Pre-entry requirements None.
1 day (on the spot during incidents or in peace time).
Special facilities not required, simple equipment requirements. Sandy beach area for nesting beach practical.
Learning methods
Theory, tabletop exercises and practical skill labs.
ADVANCED oiled sea turtle responder
Who is it aimed at?
BASIC responders that have some experience working with and handling sea turtles.
What does it qualify you to do?
To work in many areas of the response with sea turtles with little supervision, but only making minor decisions for daily work. Those with previous experience working with sea turtles will gain a SPECIALIST qualification and can oversee the entire process of sea turtle nesting and/or rehabilitation).
Pre-entry requirements
BASIC sea turtle qualification (to gain ADVANCED).
Previous experience working with sea turtles (to gain SPECIALIST sea turtle nesting and/or rescue centre).
Qualified sea turtle vets (to gain SPECIALIST sea turtle veterinarian).
Duration 2 days.
Equipment and facility needs require that course takes place at a functioning rehabilitation centre. Sandy beach area for nesting beach practical.
Learning methods
Theory, tabletop exercises and practical skill labs.
Risk and Impact Assessment (Scientific Adviser)
Who is it aimed at?
Scientists who give guidance to authorities on assessing pollution damage on seabird populations and advise on protection measures.
What does it qualify you to do?

Develop skills needed to prepare, manage and deliver a population impact assessment.

Pre-entry requirements
Experience of monitoring research on seabird populations.
Duration 2 days.
Facility with laboratory where post-mortem examinations can be carried out.
Learning methods
Theory, tabletop exercises and practical skill labs.
Who is it aimed at? ADVANCED or SPECIALIST responders who wish to play a managerial role in the event of an oil spill.
What does it qualify you to do? SECTION HEAD oversees the management of some departments of a facility, or coastal sections when operational in the field.
Pre-entry requirements ADVANCED Qualification
Duration As for MANAGER. True SECTION HEAD qualification cannot be obtained via a one-off course.
Location Special facilities not required.
Learning methods Theory, skill labs and tabletop exercises. Requires life-long revisiting of knowledge, skills, and experience.
Who is it aimed at? ADVANCED or SPECIALIST responders who wish to further their knowledge with a view to playing a managerial role in the event of an oil spill.
What does it qualify you to do? Includes MANAGER Field Operations, MANAGER Infrastructure & Equipment, MANAGER Facility Operations, MANAGER Animal Welfare.
Pre-entry requirements

MANAGER Animal Welfare – SPECIALIST Veterinarian qualification.

Other MANAGERS – ADVANCED qualification.

Duration Modular course package with course events of 1-3 days, as well as life-long learning. True MANAGER qualification cannot be obtained via a one-off course.
Location Special facilities not required.
Learning methods Theory, skill labs and tabletop exercises. Requires life-long revisiting of knowledge, skills, and experience.
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