
Sea Alarm
(Project Coordinator)
Sea Alarm has been the EUROWA-2 project Coordinator and worked and supervised various work packages and activities. Sea Alarm has built 20 years of unique experience in enhancing preparedness and response with regards to pollution and marine fauna. The specialists made available have unique international experience in developing good practice, training and exercises, facilitating multi-stakeholder processes, facilitating planning and preparedness projects, and bridging gaps between authorities, industry and NGOs.


WWF Finland
WWF Finland is a EUROWA Network member and has been involved in several of the work packages focusing on coordinating the communications of the project, the organisation of several EUROWA training events and participating on authority meetings. The specialists made available have a wide experience with the training and coordination of volunteers in marine pollution incidents at national (Finland) and international (EUROWA) levels, as well as the cooperation with authorities and international advocacy on marine pollution response.


SUBMON, EUROWA Network Member, has been involved in several of the project activities and focused on coordinating the sea turtle work package, activities and deliverables. The specialist made available had global veterinary expertise regarding sea turtle conservation and is part of the Mediterranean network of sea turtle conservation.

The Netherlands