About the projectEUROWA-2 is a 2-year project, co-funded by the European Union Civil Protection, and a follow-up to the first EUROWA project Project Structure and OutcomesThe project included 7 Work Packages containing a range of activities and deliverables EventsA diverse range of events were planned in the framework of EUROWA-2 during 2021, 2022 and 2023 Partners4 partners with complementary skills and experience joined forces to deliver the EUROWA-2 project EUROWA-2 PublicationsFind documents and reports developed under the EUROWA-2 project EUROWA-2 NewsIf you want to know more about how the project progressed and the different events carried out check out the EUROWA-2 News section ContactIf you have any questions about the project please contact Sea Alarm, the Project Coordinator